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* Cita biblica


Fecha de Creación (Inicio - Fin)



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We have to recognise, father of goodness, that we live

surrounded by permanent examples of your love.

Thank you, good father, for being like you are,

for your infinite patience, because you are not a harsh judge,

but you are understanding with the all our faults.

Your son, our brother, Jesus, is your best portrayal,

that which shows us your immense love for mankind.

We want to imitate him and transform all our actions with love.

We must bear witness as disciples of Jesus

and reflect the love that we carry within us without realising it.

We would like to have your width of vision, father God,

and assimilate the liberating message of Jesus.

United in our hearts with all your children, our brothers and sisters,

christians, muslims, jews, believers and non-believers,

we lift up to you this hymn of thanksgiving and praise.


Memorial of the Lord's Supper

The good news of Jesus,

which changed our minds,

our old religions,

with a single and only commandment

of fraternal love, remains amongst us.

We have a dream.

We dream about the happiness of all humanity,

we dream of an ideal world, of justice and solidarity,

which Jesus called your Kingdom.

We dream in making the dream of your son come true:

that we would love each others,

as brothers, as friends,

as he did during his life.

He corresponded to your love, father God,

dedicating his life to making others happy.

We remember now, as he asked us,

his submission to the cause of the Kingdom right up to the end.


Invocation to the Spirit of God

Our God and father, your son Jesus has taught us

that in the same way as you love us and he loved us,

we must love all human beings

and do our utmost to achieve their happiness.

Jesus understood our natural weakness and egoism,

and for this reason he left us your Spirit, to lead us

to the plenitude for which you have created us.

We believe in the force of the word of Jesus.

If we keep ourselves in your love, we will have life and joy.

We ask you now for our catholic Church,

for which we open our hearts to all peoples who invoke you,

from whatever culture or religion,

and we join with them in making a better world a reality.

Holy father, we raise this toast in your honour,

in the memory of the sacrifice and love of your son Jesus.

For him and with him, we want to bless you for all eternity.


Rafael Calvo

Traducción de Hugo Castelli

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