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The woman could not stand straight. For 18 years, for 18 centuries, for thousands of years, she lived bent over, turned on herself and tied down.

That was the work of the devil, it was said. Women had encounters with the devil. This was something well known. They used the devil to do peculiar things, like cures, for example, or have babies, see things...

First of all, we dressed up the women from head to foot, we locked them away, we cloistered them and we stoned many of them because we believed that they were more or less all prostitutes. We made them responsible for the vices and the sins of the men. A man would rape, strangle, massacre kill and we would say: « look for the woman ».

Next, we had them to be burnt alive. If a village was struck by catastrophe, it was the witches' fault. A witch-hunt was then launched. We always ended by finding a witch. Was there a woman who had become very keen on cats or picked up strange mushrooms in the woods or went to mass very often or never went to mass or had red eyes ( by continuously cooking over the flame of the hearth, how could things be different? We did not think further than that...); did she have a wart or any strange spot on her body? Nothing then could be more evident, she was a witch! She was burnt alive in the market place. It was the death of a dog, the end of a rabies carrier...For some time, no more hail, no more flu, no more fires, no more toothaches in the village. Everybody was happy.

For 18 centuries, for thousands of years, women were forced to live bent over, turned on themselves and tied down.

Women were subjected to repulsive tasks and extremely hard labor, and even to mutilation as it is still going on in some cultures, or to rape and sexual slavery and honor crimes as it happens on a daily basis. Hundreds of millions of women were prevented from being born or were killed at birth for the only «error» of not being males. For a lot of people, to be a woman is still a flaw, an accident of nature, at best, a necessary evil.

They had the right to be servants, toys, dolls or male trophies. They had the duty to bring pleasure to the male and to produce descendants for him, but they themselves had no right to pleasure. Most probably the males loved them, but within those conditions.

They could embroider and play the piano, but prevented from advanced studies; they could not sign checks neither contracts nor could they vote. To enter a church, they had to wrap themselves in so many petticoats.

Since that was the lot given to women, it is not surprising that getting out of bed, the good orthodox Jew still makes every morning this prayer to God : « I thank you, Lord, for not having made me a woman ».

In our less traditional societies, things have changed. Through epic battles which they fought by themselves without weapons and without shedding a single drop of blood, women succeeded in conquering the recognition of their dignity and of their essential rights. Still, their work is not finished. A lot of distance has to be covered so that everywhere on the planet all women will be happy to be women.

In Latin America, where we can be found the greatest concentration of Catholics in the world, churches are full of women. Without them, the Church would be dead. But there, as well as in some other countries, the high Catholic hierarchy leaders has decreed that God, by creating woman, has irretrievably made her incapable of celebrating a simple mass. That would have been inscribed since eternity in the feminine genome ...

That high hierarchy is actually busy in mobilizing all the forces of the Church to embark on a « New Evangelization » on a world scale. Whether those venerable beards like it or not, here is Good News from Jesus that should be inscribed for eternity within the genome itself of the Church:

A woman was there. She was not asking anything. For 18 years, she lived bent over, turned on herself and tied down. She was « so bent over that she was incapable of standing erect » Jesus saw her and was deeply touched. He laid his fraternal hands on her and said to her: « Woman, you are set free! ». At those words, the woman at once stood up straight like a tree. (Luke 13: 10-14).

The top synagogue brass immediately attacked Jesus for daring doing such a thing on the sacred Sabbath day. That was forbidden in virtue of an immemorial law.

The guardians of the «unchangeable », obsessed with the sacred, are all the same: for them, a woman is worth less than a she-ass or a cow (go to the text), and whatever eludes their control comes from the devil.

Ironically, it is because she stubbornly attaches herself to «unchangeable» laws, beliefs and practices that our poor Church (who, on the other hand, has realized great things in her history ) has herself become an old all bent over woman. Let us hope that by re-actualizing the Good News of Jesus concerning the bent over woman will come to her the desire to recover and grow straight as a tree, and that in the name of Jesus, in all the churches of the world and outside them, everywhere on Earth, women can go on walking, holding their heads up high and that they may celebrate mass without the fear of offending God...

How could they offend that God of genius who had the good idea of creating women as well as men « in his image and resemblance»?

(Genesis 1: 26-27)


Eloy Roy

Translated from the French by Jacques Bourdages

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