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We offer to the Lord, together with the bread and wine, our hearts' desires, which wells up from reading your word and reflecting on your message and which makes us more brotherly and more honest.

* So that your people, may be awake, cheerful and daring, to create a new dynamic society motivating festivities and your kingdom,

Make us more cheeerful, Lord.

* So that your church can become a space of inner rest, of vital enthusiasm, which fills our lives with a sense of direction and mission by inviting all our brothers on this earth to live in love,

Make us more cheeerful, Lord.

* So that all those gathered together here feel you are near and that we know how to reach you so that you can calm and rest us and we can provide refreshment for the lives of those who accompany us,

Make us more cheeerful, Lord.

* So that the peoples who live in peace can implicate themselves in the affairs of those who live in war, remembering that we are all responsible for everyone,

Make us more cheeerful, Lord.

* For all of us, so that we are not just resigned to be good people but to also dare to leave everything and follow you to build your kingdom.

Make us more cheeerful, Lord.

Make us cheerful, alive and dedicated people, so that we can improve this world in which the wealth is so badly shared and that we always support the most needy. Amen


Mari Patxi Ayerra

Traducción de Hugo Castelli

Read 5730 times
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